Accessing the member’s section
If you're a member, access the members' section here.
Currently we use GroupSpaces to organise our data and resources and share with members.
Sign in using the credentials we supplied. Note that you can sign in with your Facebook profile if you have one. This is OPTIONAL, you do not need a Facebook account and the information is not accessible through Facebook, it is just an additional signing in method for convenience.
Osteopathy research and case studies
Case Reports
The pathway is a forum for sharing and re-experiencing knowlegde through osteopathic practice, discussion, patient clinic, patient discussion and case review.
There is continual opportunity for reflection and feedback via the website members section (case studies, bibliography, research paper list) and personally through tutors, lectures and other participants.
Every student on the program is encouraged to submit a written peice (a patient case study) after attending a module and having applied concepts in practice. In this way, we hope to provide a body of knowledge which informs professional viewpoints and provoke discussion and debate within the osteopathich profession.
The material will remain anonymous, unless otherwise stated, each participants signed consent will be required for publication on the webpage and/or further journals.