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Family Centred Osteopathy CPD

A family-centred programme for the continued professional development for osteopaths, based in Norfolk, UK.


DATES:           COURSE                                                                                                              TOPIC

18/01           IFSO UK study gp (on-line)   7.30pm-9pm                                        Attunement- touch & perception


17/02          Barefoot workshop ESO undergrad  (in person)  10am-2pm                 Family therapy-group dynamics


21/3             IFSO UK study gp (on-line)   7.30pm-9pm                                           Children’s Languaging


6/4               IFSO UK day study retreat (In person Norfolk)                                     Family Therapy in Practice


9/5,  16/5, 30/5  Germany IFSO on-line course                                                        Intro, Modules 1-3

13/6                            Germany IFSO on-line course                                               Modules 4  


23/5                IFSO UK study gp (on-line)   7.30pm-9pm                                        Family Trauma   

12/09                         IFSO UK- online                                                                     Langauging with Prof.Mandy Banton


19/9, 26/9                  Germany IFSO on-line course                                                Module 5,Summary sessions


4-5/10             IFSO 2day course- Worcester                                                          IFSO in Practice

9-10/11                      Germany 2 day course Stuttgart                                            IFSO in practice


21/11              IFSO UK study gp (on-line)  7.30pm-9pm                                         Family field-collective energy effect

German courses direct enrollment via www.lomerio.de  ,  kontakt@lomerio.de



PRACTICE SESSIONS:                                                                                        ON-LINE SESSIONS:

2 day practical sessions integrating IFSO concepts of:                               5 X 1hour discussions on IFSO topics:

family as a group in treatment                                                                            Family systems theory in Osteopathy

family health beliefs                                                                                            Family, diversity & health care beliefs

family dialogue and languaging embodiment                                             Holding family in osteopathic group treatments

Osteopathy as a family therapy                                                             Dialogue in treatment which is meaningful for family

                                                                                                                          Family languaging & embodiment of change.


ON-LINE Sessions are attended individually or small groups, and overheads provided (Package £150, students £80)

PRACTICAL SESSIONS are arranged individually (observation & practice with A.Morgan- package price negotiable)


Averille presenting on-line at the Jan 2023 KinderKongress Germany



Ongoing IFSO study group run every 2 months starting January 19, 2023

Contact: averille001@gmail.com


Integrated Family Systems Osteopathy for 2022

A series of 5 x 2 hour online discussions on: -Family, diversity & health beliefs, Family systems theories & osteopathy, working with family fields, family dialogue & languaging embodiment, osteopathic approach to family co-regulation, resourcing & recovery.         Monthly sessions: Starting February 2022- first Monday nights and/or first saturday mornings  £100 

Family Systems sessions (4 practitioners only): Friday April 8th, 2022 or  Friday  May 6th or Friday July 1st 2022 (Your practice or Averille's Norfolk).  £150pp


Family systems day workshop online: Saturday 9th APRIL,2022 via Centre for Concoius Osteopathic studies, Spain

Contact Pau Dalmau  paudalmauosteopata@gmail.com www.ccoosteopatia.com



  Family Centred CPD program dates and venue for 2020


January 25th - King's Lynn- Conception & Ignition

March 14th- Osteopathy Forum, Cambridge on Spiritual Fulcrums

March 21st- London study group on Fetology & Newborn reflex patterns for survival 

June 28th- King's Lynn study group- Sensory Processing Disorders in Children: osteopathic approach  

September 26th- London CPDO- on First Breath and Fluid Body

October 2-3rd- Swiss workshop on Paediatric Health

October 29-1st Nov- Munich workshop on Embryology in Osteopathy

December 3rd - Paris for www.cfpco,fr on First Breath and Fluid Body

December 3-6th- Paris for www.cfpco.fr on Pregnancy & care of newborn

Group workshops can be organised directly with Averille for your area study group via averille001@gmail.com

Family Centred Osteopathy program 2019

19th January: Resonance and Attunement, The Old School Hall, St Barnabas Church, Cambridge.

23-24th March: London study group on Fetal development and preparation for neonatal survival.

5th April: Somerset study group on Fluid Body- developing sensitive palpation on & off the body.

26-27th April: Munich study group on Embryology in osteopathy- heart & blood field.

28-29th September: Functional & biodynamic osteopathic assessment of the newborn, Neuchatel, Switzerland

26th October: Osteoathic concept of Spiritual Fulcrum, with Richard Holding, Cambridge

1-2nd November: Munich study group on Embryology in Osteopathy- mesoderm continued.

7-9th December: Paris three day course on pregnancy, post-natal care. Contact Centre de FormationProfessionelle en Osteopathie  www.cfpco.fr 


Study days for your group can be organised on request contact averille001@gmail.com


Family centred osteopathy program 2018


Fri 23rd & Sat 24th February In Wilhelm, Munich on:

 Integration of Germ cell motility as formative function. 


Sat 3rd &Sun 4th March in Paris, Centre de FormationProfessionelle en Osteopathie  www.cfpco.fr  on Conception, fertilite et motilite embryonnaire.


Sat 24th & Sun 25th March  in Bristol, Shapwick Village Hall

Fluid Body- an experiential exploration of sensed and perceived motion of our Body-Mind-Spirit connection over Time-Space continuum. lead by Averille Morgan, Felicity Booty.


This two day workshop explores biodynamic assessment through palpation of frequencies akin to body-mind field phenomena to express interpretations of ‘fluid body’. The workshop develops ideas of Rohen, Still, Jealous and Radin on functional morphology and palpable frequencies which orientate the individual’s Health with “indivisible matter” and “unconscious pre-cognition”. We are looking to discuss our palpated interpretations of fluid body, fluid fields, attunement and resonance in terms of light/ sound and electromagnetic frequencies to aid osteopath assessment, languaging and treatment.


Cost: £125 per day  (Maximum: 12 )

Venue: Shapwick Village Hall


Fri 27th April, 11th May, 15th June on Personal Study day with Averille (Heacham, Norfolk UK) on your topic of choice and patient/s as practical.

Cost: £150 from 10-4pm.


Fri 14th & Sat.15th September  at the Natural Therapy Centre, King's Lynn,  Norfolk, PE30 5DY


This two day workshop explores practitioners own felt-experiences of motion, which underlie development using concepts such as holding field, attunement and recapitulation of embryonic growth patterns. The experiential approach to learning brings an opportunity to become more aware of inherent motion which restores Health, acknowledges unresolved strains and trauma and assists self-regulation through embodiment. Application of prenatal concepts from Frank Lake and Karlton Terry will be discussed along with Blechschmidt's embryonic growth fields. Application of these approaches will be interpreted for osteopathic practice. You will be guided and held by an experienced team through gentle touch and emotional support in a small group.

Weekend modules, 12 participants max, on-site clinic, supervision with experienced tutors, experiential workshops, osteopathic approaches with embryology, fluid fields and family at the centre of practice, 12 hours CPD

Module fee; £270 or £190 (conc)


Fri 5th & Sat 6thOctober   at the Blechschmidt Collection, Goettingen, Germany

Blechschmidt Collection, Conception, Implantation and Embryonic Motion Patterns:

This two day course covers a biodynamic approach in interpreting conception and embryological motion patterns. Averille will guide you around the wax models and develop your understanding of conception, implantation and embryonic motions as applied to osteopathic practice. The second day will be experiential practice developing concepts learned in the museum into osteopathic practice.15 hours CPD

Cost including course, notes and museum: £300. Flights, travel, accommodation and food are extra.

To book your place please send booking form and a non returnable* deposit of £100 as detailed on booking page. 

(A minimum of eight participants is required).


Nov end (dtbc)    In Paris for www.cfpco.fr on Pregnancy, mother-baby and family care to 6 weeks post-partum


(Paris, France)

Sat 24-Sun 25th March 2018


Booking & enquiries: averille001@gmail.com

*Deposipts will be refunded should Osteopathy CPD have to cancel courses for any reason.


Family centred osteopathy program 2017


Study days for your group can be organised on request contact averille001@gmail.com


Fri 7th July  Study day with Averille (Heacham, Norfolk UK)


Conception and Embryonic Motion Patterns:
16th & 17th September 2017  Natural Therapy Centre, King's Lynn,  Norflok, PE30 5DY

This two day workshop explores practitioners own felt-expereinces of motion, which underlie development using concepts such as holding field, attunement and recapitulation of embryonic growth patterns. The experiential apporach to learning brings an opportunity to become more aware of inherent motion which restores Health, acknowledges unresolved strains and trauma and assists self-regulation through embodiment. Application of prenatal concepts from Frank Lake and Karlton Terry will be discussed along with Blechschmidt's embyonic growth fields. Application of these approaches will be interpreted for osteopathic practice. You will be guided and held by an experienced team through gentle touch and emotional support in a small group.

Weekend modules, 12 participants max, on-site clinic, supervision with experienced tutors, experiential workshops, osteopathic approaches with embryology, fluid fields and family at the centre of practice, 15 hours CPD
Module fee; £270 or £190 (conc)

Blechschmidt Collection, Conception, Implantation and Embryonic Motion Patterns:
6th & 7thOctober 2017 Blechschmidt Collection, Goettingen, Germany

This two day course covers a biodynamic approach in interpreting conception and embryological motion patterns. Averille will guide you around the wax models to develope your understanding of conception, implantation and embryonic motions as applied to osteopathic practice. The second day will be experiential practice developing concepts learned in the museum into osteopathic practice.
Course, notes and museum £300, flights, travel and accommodation and food are extra.
To book your place please send booking form and a non returnable* deposit of £80 as detailed on booking page.
(A minimum of eight participants is required).

Nov end (dtbc)     Pregnancy, mother-baby and family care 

(Paris, France)

Weekend modules, 12 participants max, on-site clinic, supervision with experienced tutors, experiential workshops, osteopathic approaches with embryology, fluid fields and family at the centre of practice, 15 hours CPD

Module fee; £270 or £190 (conc)

Booking & enquiries: averille001@gmail.com


To book your place please send booking form and deposit of £150 as detailed on booking page.

*Deposipts will be refunded should Osteopathy CPD have to cancel courses for any reason.


Our aim is to facilitate individual learning through experiential workshops and clinic sessions. We aim for a maximum of 20 participants per group, with a tutor and assistant. Please scroll down for the teaching programme.

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